Flame Drops "Word & Water" With Book Announcement

When I was living in St. Louis (early 2000s), I found a rapper named Flame and really became a fan. He made recent news when a song of his was sampled (without permission) and was cause for a big lawsuit. 

I haven't listened to him in a while but went back searching for him recently and found this album from last year, "Word & Water" through Extra Nos Academy. The album also includes some sermon (4 parts) and actual music.

He also announced a book coming this year that will focus on his theological shift to Lutheranism. 

This book is uniquely dear to me,” he said in a press release. “As the readers and I journey together through the ripple and flux of my theological expedition, they, too, will behold a vast ocean of thirst-quenching ancient truths. Lutheran distinctive is guaranteed to liberate the weary traveler.

Check out the album below and stream on your favorite platform.