The Inspiring Story Behind Dean Mark Hilario Enoza's "It Is You"


"It Is You" is a heartfelt Christian song inspired by John 4:24-26, exploring faith and solace through loss, crafted by an artist deeply connected to God's presence.

In the world of Christian music, few songs carry the profound depth and personal resonance found in "It Is You" by Dean Mark Hilario Enoza featuring John Marlowe. This song, inspired by the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John 4:24-26, serves as a powerful reflection on faith, loss, and the enduring presence of God. The artist behind this moving composition embarked on a spiritual journey that intertwined moments of personal tragedy with the timeless truths of scripture, resulting in a song that speaks directly to the heart.

The inception of "It Is You" is deeply rooted in Dean's personal experiences, particularly the loss of his aunt and godmother, Amy Takahashi, in a tragic car accident in Japan, and the passing of his childhood best friend, Mark Jaesen Paulino, due to COVID-19 in Manila in 2021. These profound losses led Dean into a period of reflection and seeking solace in God, resulting in a song that stands as a testament to finding comfort and meaning amid difficulty.

The creative process behind "It Is You" began three years ago, on August 2, 2021, when Dean reached out to a high school friend, Joel Zaporteza, for a virtual collaboration on songwriting. Joel’s contemplative verses, particularly the repeating words "It Is You," became the anchor of the composition. On October 11, 2021, the artist drafted the melody, which Joel described as making him "imagine standing by the sea, reflecting on life’s journey, and hearing God’s voice amidst the chaos."

This collaboration extended beyond just the two friends; it was a spiritual endeavor where "God Himself" was felt throughout the creative process. Dean expressed deep gratitude to Joel for co-writing the initial concept and to to John Marlowe, a US-based Aussie worship leader, for bringing the song to life with his heartfelt rendition. The arrangement, enhanced by Raymond Johnson from the UK, featured the lap steel instrument, whose ethereal whale-like calls added layers of depth and mystery. The artist noted that this element evoked "a sense of awe, mystery, tranquility, longing, and interconnectedness with the spiritual world, as if God Himself is reaching out to us through its haunting melodies."

Shardei Bueno, a music expert from the Philippines, added the final polish through expert mixing and mastering, ensuring that every nuance of the song resonated with its intended impact.

"It Is You" is more than just a song; it is a spiritual journey of discovering and rediscovering God, recognizing His voice, feeling His presence, and answering His call. He likens the song’s message to the way whales communicate—a spiritual call from God, reminding us that "His voice is ever-present and consistent, clear and unwavering." The song challenges listeners to consider how attentively they listen and respond to God amidst the noise and distractions of the world.

Dedicated to the memory of Amy Takahashi and Mark Jaesen Paulino, "It Is You" serves as a poignant reminder of the power of faith and the comfort it brings in times of loss. Dean finds comfort in the belief that Amy and Mark’s spirits are at peace in heaven, and he hopes that their memory is honored through this song.

Listen below or click here to listen on Spotify or Apple Music, and follow him on YouTube